Are you ready to take your life to the next level?
Do you sense a potential in you that is still untapped?
Are you a believer that you have what it takes to reinvent yourself?
Are you willing to be challenged to see things from a different perspective and break free from the status quo?

You may not quite yet see the way forward, but that’s what I’m here for.
We work together to identify the barriers holding you back from fully stepping forward into a life of joy and freedom.
It’s an inside job as much as it’s also necessary to take the outer steps. Together we craft a plan for moving you outside your comfort zone and into the unknown. This is where your freedom lies.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
~Abraham Lincoln

My clients have:
~Transformed their relationships both with themselves and significant others in their lives.
~Untapped levels of happiness and freedom they never knew existed.
~Birthed creative projects.
~Left jobs and careers they were unfulfilled by and instead created a life of purpose and joy.
~Experienced healing and the alleviation of depression and anxiety.
~Experienced increased levels of health and wellness.
~Transformed their physical bodies, including releasing weight and getting in the best shape of their lives.
~Increased their understanding of nutrition and how to eat in a way that feels balanced and sustainable.
~Released addictions such as emotional eating, co-dependency and smoking.
~Developed an ongoing spiritual practice that is deeply fulfilling and meaningful.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us. It’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~Marianne Williamson
So, what do you think?
If instead of living into your default future you’re ready to create a future of your choice-one that has you living out your most heartfelt dreams and goals-then coaching could be for you.

"Alethea is an excellent life coach. One thing I can say regarding my experiences in Alethea’s life coaching sessions for at least several years now, is that not once have I ever felt like it was a waste of time. After decades of far too much “huff and puff” from self-proclaimed “experts”, I know that I can be pretty cynical when it comes to people who claim to possess the goods and qualifications to help others in their life directions. It has become very hard for me to tell what - or who - is actually real these days. What I have learned over several years thus far is that Alethea actually walks her talk. She has both her own life experience, as well as her personal study in the area of life coaching, to draw from.
Before I had my first official session with Alethea, I got the sense that she had her own personal experience of knowing life, as well as how emotional well-being affects each individual’s unique compass of life. To me, she has paid attention and learned. Alethea is brilliant at giving proper attention to each session. She is focused, and she has always helped me to stay focused in our sessions and to not run away from certain things I might need to really look at and address. I have left each of our sessions encouraged to also improve my physical health as well as to better navigate within my personal and career-related situations and relationships with others. For these reasons, I have begun also directing other people I know towards considering Alethea and Radiant Life as a wonderful option for life coaching."
~Forrest Robinson, Musician

"Just want to thank you so much, Alethea, for your coaching and guidance in the seasons of life we’ve ventured through. As a result, my life is more prosperous and I am glad that I invested in myself and your services. Your coaching, knowledge and care brought a spirit and energy that has created many positive blessings in my life. This in turn has impacted countless others through spreading hope, peace and strength with my non-profit organization, Torn Pages. I am excited about life’s Fourth Quarter! Thank you."
~Jay Gardner, Founder of Torn Pages

"Working with Alethea has been the best decision I have made for my health and wellness. With her expertise I have lost weight, gained muscle, developed healthy habits around nutrition and exercise. Most importantly, though, with Alethea's help I have come to find a deep holistic strength and health within myself that has helped changed my mindset from one of constant defeat to continual growth. Alethea works with the whole person, not just food or exercise, so you know working with her will help you live your best life. I'm the healthiest, happiest, most wholesome self I have ever been thanks to Alethea's help."
~Chris Vander Meulen
What exactly is coaching, and how does it differ from therapy or counseling?
A LIFE COACH is an expert in coaching. They help people find clarity on their values and life purpose, change self-defeating behaviors, adopt positive habits that serve them better, and build more meaningful and engaged lives for themselves in the future. The coach and the client are in relationship with each other. They work together to find strategies that enable the client to build the life they want. While the coach may suggest an insight or next step, they never tell the client what to do. Rather, the coach evokes transformation with the client by holding space for them, really listening to and understanding them, and by asking powerful questions that help the client learn and discover new things about themselves.
In THERAPY or COUNSELING, the focus is on past events, and on understanding what happened in the past and how it affects the patient’s current situation. The therapist is the expert who provides a diagnosis and offers therapy techniques that can help patients heal from past traumas, or work through issues from their past that are holding them back.
What does coaching with you look like?
I currently offer 3- and 6-month packages. My clients have a set number of coaching sessions with me per month, usually via zoom but sometimes in-person. I offer unlimited email support and spot coaching throughout the month. There will also often be assignments and books to read that support the client in their transformation and awareness.
Do you do health and fitness coaching as well as life coaching?
Yes. While I have some clients who work with me solely on health and fitness goals, my coaching practice has naturally evolved to include additional areas of a client’s life such as their relationships, creative fulfillment, career changes and so on.
How do I know if coaching is right for me?
Great question. The only way for both you and I to know if coaching is right for you at this time is to have a deep and meaningful conversation. In this initial complimentary conversation, we will do a deep dive into several or all areas of your life, and then explore the ideal future you are wanting to create. During this conversation, you will also receive coaching from me on one or two areas of your life. In this way, you will have a direct experience of coaching and a good reference point for what working together will look and feel like.
What are your qualifications and credentials?
I have spent thousands of dollars on the very best courses around, so that I can be the very best coach for you. I currently invest in and work with a coach myself, and this will always be so, as I truly believe that having a coach in your corner- someone who sees your potential and doesn’t give up on you- is worth more than gold.
I also hold a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology, Master’s in Music, Health Coach and Fitness Trainer ACE Certifications, Certificate in Slow-Motion Strength Training, and won first place in my very first bodybuilding competition at age 40.
I am an ordained minister, I taught volunteer English to Tibetan nuns in Dharmsala, India when I was 18, I overcame severe panic attacks and depression when I was 19, and I’ve worked through addictions that had me in their grasp for decades- primarily smoking and binge eating.
These are just a few of my life experiences and professional qualifications.

When you hire me as your coach, you are paying for a whole lot more than the time of our coaching sessions. I bring my entire self to you, and will stay committed to you throughout the duration of our coaching package.
Are you ready to commit to YOU? If so, let's talk.
More Testimonials
“It was always a push to deprive or over work myself for a month, and then it’s back to old habits. Not with Alethea! She focuses on not only exercise and food, but also fuel for the mind and soul. I really got to the heart of past habits that were holding me back, started healing them, and building new, healthy ones in their place. I’ve lost weight and inches, and now have the confidence to make this a lifestyle shift”.
~Skyler P., Actor

“Prior to working with Alethea, I struggled to stick with a consistent workout, and was one of those people who would start and stop working out, and could never really stick with something long term. Alethea held me accountable to staying consistent with my exercise, and she even created new exercises for me to use when I was traveling and didn’t have access to a gym. This made it so easy for me to continue to stay healthy and fit while traveling (which in the past, was always a challenge for me)! Through coaching with Alethea, I now feel stronger and more in shape than ever before and have more confidence both in and out of the gym!”
~Elsie S., Professional Life & Business Coach

“This program was the right fit for me at the right time. The custom workouts Alethea designed for me were a good length- short enough for me not to make any excuses not to go and long enough to get a real sweat in. She was full of encouragement; I thrive on accountability, knowing that I had a coaching session at the end of each week kept me going and had me hitting my goals.”
~Sarah W., RN

Are you curious and ready to have a deep and meaningful conversation about:
~What life could look like for you?
~A dream you are ready to bring out into the world?
~Are ready to let go of limiting habits or self-defeating behaviors that have held you back for long enough?
~Anything else that is beautifully unique to you and your life situation?
Our initial conversation is complimentary; it is my gift to you.
We may find that you are complete and have what you need after just one conversation, or we may decide to take it further and discuss what working together could potentially look like.
Either way, it could just be the very best conversation you ever have.
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